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Hydraulic Fracking Causes Water Pollution Concerns

Over the last 10 years, hydraulic fracking has created a tremendous boom in oil and natural gas across the United States, and has led to billions of dollars in revenue for companies. However, the same fracking that has caused this tremendous boom, has also lead to many fears of surrounding residents concerning contaminated water.

In fact, four states that have been part of Americas energy boom have recently heard thousands of complains regarding contaminated water from oil, gas, and pollution caused during the fracking process. This pollution is caused when thousands of gallons of water, sand, and chemicals are used to break apart rocks and other of the earth’s surfaces.

Following hydraulic fracking, a large amount of the existing water underground tends to raise to the surface, also bringing with it high levels of salts, drilling chemicals, heavy metal, and a low-level of radiation. This clearly creates a problem for people drinking well-water.

According to the Associated Press, four of the states that have been leading the way of this boom in drilling for gas and oil, have also received a majority of the well-water pollution complaints. These states are as follows:

Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania has confirmed over 106 well-water contamination cases since 20005, regarding over 5,000 new wells. In fact, there were fiver confirmed cases of well-water contamination in the first nine months of 2012 alone, 18 in 2011, and 29 in 2010, according to the Pennsylvania Environmental Department.

Ohio: Ohio has had 37 total complains in 2010, with no confirmed water supply contamination; 54 complaints in 2011, with two confirmed cases of water contamination; 59 complaints in 2012, with two confirmed cases of contamination, and 40 complains during the first 11 months of 2013, with two confirmed cases of contamination, and 14 currently under investigation, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

West Virginia: There have been nearly 112 complains of drilling contaminating water wells over the last four years, along with four cases where the drilling company agreed to take corrective action.

Texas: In Texas, there were over 2,000 complains, and 62 which alleged possible well-water contamination, according to the Railroad Commission of Texas, while there has not been a single confirmed case of drilling-related well-water contamination in the past 10 years.

If you live in an area that you are aware of hydraulic fracking taking place nearby, it is highly advised to keep an eye out for any unusual signs that your water may be contaminated. It is also advised not to drink any water that is contaminated, or does not seem regular. If you have been injured by contaminated water due to hydraulic fracking contact a reputable personal injury attorney in Baton Rouge today to find out your legal options.

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