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How to Minimize Liability during a Holiday Party

Whether you’re attending a company holiday party or asking relatives and friends to come over to celebrate the end of 2014, it is important that you know what to do if things get out of control. From too much alcohol to inappropriate behavior, many situations could put you in danger of being liable for accidents and injuries.

Alcohol is commonly served at holiday parties and can be a slippery slope if one guest drinks too much. Too much alcohol can lead to harassment, accidents and injuries. Additionally, if you host a party in your home and a guest drinks too much, drives home and gets into a car wreck, you may be held liable for continuing to serve alcohol to an intoxicated individual.

Party hosts can limit the alcohol being consumed by providing alcohol-free beverages and limiting the quantity of alcohol that will be available. You can also ask guests to turn their keys over to the host until the end of the night. Should a guest be too intoxicated to drive home make sure you call a cab and do not hand their keys over.

Ensuring that your home is safe is also important as an accident such as a slip and fall could prompt a lawsuit against you. Do your best to clean-up and spills and minimalize other home hazards like dangerous staircases or clutter.

If your own company is hosting a holiday party, having the party at a restaurant or hotel can also help control alcohol consumption as bartenders can cut off any intoxicated individuals and ensure that no one is drinking underage. Companies can also limit alcohol intake by issuing drink tickets and making sure alcohol-free beverages are available. It might seem like a good idea to ask an employee to watch the behavior of others, but asking an employee to work during the party could lead to claims for overtime pay.

Keeping in mind that accidents can happen, it is important that you do everything you can to reduce the risks you face this holiday season.

If you or someone you love is injured due to the negligence of a party host or negligent driver this holiday season, the personal injury lawyers at Simien & Simien can help you determine what your legal options are.

Call our car accident lawyers today for a free case evaluation at (800) 374-8422 or fill out our online contact form.

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