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Simien & Simien Personal Injury Law Blog

What You Should Know About Car Accident Liability

You cannot recover compensation after a car accident unless you can prove that another party was liable for the crash. Below, our Baton Rouge car accident attorneys explain the many factors involved in determining car accident liability, including who can be held liable, evidence that can help build a case and Louisiana’s

How to Prove Another Party is at Fault in a Personal Injury Case

You cannot recover compensation in a personal injury case unless you prove another party is at fault for the accident that led to your injury. You will not be able to prove another party is at-fault unless you gather evidence to support the four elements of negligence. Below, our experienced

5 Motorcycle Safety Strategies to Prevent an Accident

Unfortunately, there is nothing motorcycle riders can do to guarantee they will never be involved in an accident or suffer injuries if a crash occurs. There are simply too many factors that are out of their control. However, there are many things you can do to reduce your risk of

Types of Product Liability Cases You Can File

Every year, thousands of individuals are injured by defective products, from car parts and prescription medications to medical devices and implants. When these injuries occur, victims may be able to file product liability claims to obtain compensation for the physical, financial and emotional damages they have suffered. There are three

7 Defensive Driving Tips for Louisiana Motorists

Many traffic accidents can be avoided by using defensive driving tactics. Defensive driving means keeping your eyes on the road and other vehicles so you have a better chance of anticipating and avoiding potentially dangerous situations. Using the seven defensive driving tips below can help reduce the risk of an

Differences Between Jones Act and Workers’ Compensation Claims

Both the Jones Act and workers’ compensation provide compensation to employees who suffer injuries on the job, but that is where most of the similarities end. The main differences between these types of claims are explained below, including the types of benefits they provide and who can file each type

Are You Eligible for Workers’ Compensation in Louisiana?

If you were injured on the job or while engaging in a work activity, you may be wondering if you are eligible for workers’ compensation. The basics of workers’ compensation eligibility are explained below. However, even if you qualify, you may have trouble navigating the process and recovering all of

Vote for the Best of the Teche Readers’ Choice Awards

Simien & Simien, LLC is proud to announce that we have been nominated for The Daily Iberian’s 22nd annual Best of the Teche Readers’ Choice Awards, which honors local businesses that provide outstanding service in New Iberia. You can vote for our firm as your choice to win the award by

Things You Need to Know About Negligence in Louisiana Personal Injury Claims

Most personal injury cases are based on a claim that someone was injured or killed due to another person’s negligence. Below, our personal injury attorneys review what you need to know about negligence, including how to prove it and what state law says about cases where the victim’s own negligence

What is the Statute of Limitations for Car Accident Injuries in Louisiana?

Each year, car accidents cause tens of thousands of injuries and several hundred deaths in the state of Louisiana. In 2015 alone, more than 78,000 people were injured and more than 750 were killed in car crashes. If you lost a loved one or suffered a severe injury in an