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Simien & Simien Personal Injury Law Blog

Understanding the benefits available to injured workers

When you suffer an injury at work, it can be devastating. One minute you are doing your job, and the next you may find yourself with serious injuries. What can you do at this point to pick up the pieces and move forward? How can you recover, pay your bills

Some key considerations relevant to a wrongful death matter

Some element of risk always attaches to daily life for busy individuals and families across the United States. The modern world is fast-paced and frenetic, with people always on the go. Most of us take due care in going about our daily affairs, of course. We are thoughtful with our

Does a driver have to have a BAC of 0.08 to be dangerous?

After a long day at work, you may stop at your local hangout for a drink with friends or go to your favorite restaurant for dinner with family and have a drink. You know better than to drink too much since you don’t want to drive drunk. While this is

Asbestos injury: When illness and workplace intersect

When you hear people talk about asbestos, it might sound like something out of the dark ages. In fact, many Louisiana readers might think asbestos is a specific product or item. It’s really a combination of six naturally occurring minerals. These minerals form bundles of fibers. They are microscopic but

Work accidents: Why people working on oil rigs are at great risk

If you or one of your Louisiana loved ones works in the oil and gas platform industry, you’ve likely had discussions in your home regarding the dangerous nature of such work. While there are often lucrative opportunities available in the oil rig field, it’s also known to be one of

Driver Requirements for Reporting Car Accidents in Louisiana, U.S

After a car accident in Louisiana, you may be required to report the incident. Below, our attorneys discuss the state’s accident reporting requirements and why filing an accident report is to your benefit. If you were injured in a collision, you may be eligible for compensation for the damages you

Filing a Lawsuit if You Already Accepted a Settlement

Many personal injury claims end when both parties agree to settle. For example, in a car accident case, the victim often agrees to a settlement with an insurance company. The settlement basically ends the case. However, you may later discover other damages you were unaware of when you accepted the

Determining Liability for a Merging Accident

Merging onto the freeway or another busy road is a high-level driving technique that requires a driver to maintain the speed of traffic and pay close attention when approaching multiple lanes of traffic. Unfortunately, many drivers do not know how to merge in a safe manner and cause merging accidents

How an Attorney Determines the Value of Your Truck Accident Claim

A truck accident can cause serious injuries that require surgery and lengthy rehabilitation. When this happens, you may be wondering what your claim is worth during the recovery process. Truck accident claims can help you obtain compensation for your injuries and are almost always settled before trial. This is why

Simien & Simien Nominated for Best of the Teche Award for 2019

We are pleased to announce that our firm has been nominated again for The Daily Iberian’s 24th annual Best of Teche Reader’s Choice Awards. These awards honors local businesses throughout New Iberia for the phenomenal services they provide. At Simien & Simien, we strive to provide the best services for