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Simien & Simien Personal Injury Law Blog

Could this one vehicle upgrade save thousands of lives annually?

Well, here’s an upgrade. The ignition interlock devices that some motorists in Louisiana and nationally are required to use following drunk driving convictions mandate a bit of driver-technology interplay. That is, a would-be driver must blow into an IID and obtain a legal blood-alcohol reading before he or she can

Forklift safety: a strong reason for close and regular scrutiny

Forklifts are so common in the American workplace landscape that most people likely never give them a thought. Arguably, they are the essential work assist and daily MVP in diverse factory, industrial, retail and other environments. Employers in virtually all realms unquestionably regard them as indispensable. Safety regulators say that

Is a third-party liable for your work-related injuries?

Suffering an injury while at work can be a major setback for any Louisiana resident. You certainly never wanted to end up going to the hospital due to a work-related accident, but you knew that the risk existed because anyone could get hurt on the job. Unfortunately, you recently suffered

New tech tool seeks to promote motorcyclists’ safety

The reasons why drivers of passenger vehicles often cause accidents that injure or even kill other parties are many and diverse. Here are some prime contributors that up the odds for crash outcomes: Dangerous driving behaviors like speeding, lane weaving and tailgating Improper signaling and turning Distracted/reckless driving Behind-the-wheel intoxication

Excessive heat an obvious summertime workplace nemesis

Some mantras are, well, just words. Others convey fundamentally important messages. Like this one: Water, rest, shade. To legions of workers in diverse industries across Louisiana and the country, those few words are cautionary. And when the workplace is intensely hot, they are also a prescription – for life. Because

Researchers continue to look for TBI treatments

Whether you suffer a traumatic brain injury in a motor vehicle accident, a fall, a work-related accident or through some other catastrophe, you could end up left with lifelong issues as a result of your injury. Medical researchers and doctors still have a lot to learn about this type of

Upcoming weekend spells heightened Louisiana roadway risks

An extended summer holiday weekend commences tomorrow in Louisiana and across the country. It will likely begin and end with a bang. The Fourth of July annual holiday always does of course, with fireworks cracking for days on end. Legions of people will be focused on fun and revelry for

Supreme Court rules in favor of upholding DACA protections

On June 18, the Supreme Court gave relief to hundreds of thousands of immigrants who arrived as children in the US without documentation when it ruled against the Administration’s efforts to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA). In a 5-4 decision, the Court found that the Administration’s efforts to

Fatal truck crashes buck accident trend, rising again during 2019

Roadway accidents involving large trucks in Louisiana and nationally are simply different from crashes featuring smaller passenger vehicles. That’s obvious, right? An 18-wheel rig, tractor trailer or other commercial truck commands dimensions that flatly dwarf those of cars sharing the road with them. A large truck can weigh scores of

What to do when someone follows too closely behind you?

There are many things that can go wrong on the roads, and it only takes a brief second for a serious collision to occur. One of the more intimidating feelings, when you’re driving, occurs when someone follows too close behind you, is also one of the more dangerous ones. This