Semitrucks play an important role in commerce, but they are also very dangerous simply because of their large size and heavy weight. Anyone who’s driving through Baton Rouge will see plenty of these vehicles on the interstate.
Everyone on the roadways must ensure they’re as safe as possible. There are some special considerations to think about when you’re driving around semitrucks.
Stay out of the blind spots
Blind spots surround the semitruck with the largest one on the truck’s right side. The trucker can’t see vehicles in those spots so try to avoid them. It’s especially important that you don’t cut off a semitruck because they take a considerable distance to stop.
Pass semitrucks quickly
Pass semitrucks quickly if you’re traveling faster than them. When you pass the semitruck, make sure that you aren’t driving too close to them. Crosswinds can affect your drivability if you’re too close.
Adjust for the road conditions.
Speed limits are the maximum speed you should drive when the conditions are ideal. If it’s raining, foggy, dark or anything else, you’ll have to adjust your speed. Driving defensively instead of aggressively is important. Aggressive driving can lead to crashes that are serious.
Even if you’re driving safely, you can still be involved in a crash with a semitruck. When the negligence of another party is the cause of the crash, the injured person may choose to seek compensation. This can help you to recover the costs of dealing with the crash. Your time is limited in Louisiana so don’t waste time.